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Bill O’Reilly Defamation Suit Tossed By Judge In New York

In a case that took months and multiple appeals to end, Bill O’Reilly has come out victorious in a defamation suit that was brought on by a former Fox News producer in New York. The U.S. District Court Judge Deborah Batts (Southern District of New York) dismissed the defamation claims by the plaintiff, Rachel Witlieb Bernstein.

O’Reilly left Fox News in April 2017 stating he was, parting ways with Fox News due to “completely unfounded claims which are part of a liberal smear campaign and a brutal campaign of character assassination that is unprecedented in post-McCarthyist America.”

Witlieb Bernstein started working with O’Reilly at Fox News in 2002. She sued O’Reilly in April 2019. Per the court filing, she claimed O’Reilly defamed her by “portraying her as a financially and politically motivated liar,” and that his comments were defamatory for they accused her of “larceny and extortion.”

Witlieb Bernstein undertook anti-anxiety medication and counseling as, “a result of the depression, anxiety, and insomnia” that she had as a result of what she alleged were public humiliations, “online and at least once in person.”

Also per the court filing’s dismissal of the case, Witlieb Bernstein allegations are “insufficient to sustain her defamation claim.” Her latest appeal did not differ from her initial one, according to the ruling. The plaintiff “repeats the same allegations of damages that we found insufficient in the Second Amended Complaint.”



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